0800 236 2253

Privacy Policy.


This notice and information applies across all websites that we own and operate and all services
we provide, including our online and mobile HRIS services products, and any other apps or services we may offer (for example,
events or training). For the purpose of this notice, we refer to the services we provide as our ‘services’.


When we say ‘personal data’ we mean identifiable information about an individual, like their
name, email, address, telephone number, bank account details, payment information, support queries, community comments and
so on. If a person can’t be identified (for example, when personal data has been aggregated and anonymised) then this notice
doesn’t apply.


We may need to update this notice from time to time. Where a change is significant, we will
inform those users that may be affected that we have an obligation to inform – usually by sending an email.


Last Updated: 16 March 2021


Who is enableHR?

When we refer to ‘we’ (or ‘our’ or ‘us’), that means:


  • ✓  enableHR Pty Ltd – Australia (ABN: 84 123 231 005);
  • ✓  enableHR Limited – New Zealand (NZBN: 9429041375488);
  • ✓  any related body corporate of the above (including but not limited to
    HRACloud and Citation Group ).

Our Head Office is in Sydney, Australia, but we operate and have offices across Australia and
New Zealand. Address details for all enableHR offices are available on our Contact Us (Australia and New
) pages.


We provide an easy-to-use online platform for businesses and their partners through a cloud
based HRIS platform and software. If you want to find out more about what we do, see our
Features page.


Citation Group assists many businesses with their employment and human resources

needs including around hiring, managing and exiting of their staff and core legal compliance requirements.


Unlike most other providers, our clients can access our services and solutions in a range of
ways by engaging one of our 5 divisions which includes a 24/7 advice helpline, cloud technology platform and visa & migrations


With offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Auckland and Wellington, we provide Australian
and New Zealand businesses with employment related legal advice, HR consulting, migration, services and technology


For small-to-medium size businesses, we are able to provide a complete workplace relations
solution that helps reduce the costs and risks associated with managing people, freeing management to focus on growth. Most
importantly, we can offer this package for a low-cost monthly fee.


How do we protect your data?

We We take the privacy of data that we hold seriously, and ensure everything is done with the


    • ✓  Openness, Honesty & Transparency – we endeavour to
      share as much pertinent information as possible with our users, regarding the security of their information, both in terms of
      what we are doing to protect it, as well as notifying them if something goes awry;
    • ✓  Security – we strive to deliver industry leading security to
      protect the data – regardless of whether that information is explicitly entered into our systems or captured through other
      interactions with our services;
    • ✓  Responsibility – we accept the responsibility that comes
      with being the custodian of the data we process on others’ behalf.The technologies, policies and procedures we have in place to achieve these principles are outlined in

“Appendix 1 – Security Mechanisms & Policies”.


What data do we collect?

The data we may collect falls into three categories:


  • ✓   Data provided to us directly – when you use some
    parts of our services you will provide us
    with personal information about yourself or other people. For example, you may provide information about your employees in
    order to effectively manage their employment with you. While you are not required to provide this information to us, not doing so
    may limit the functionality that our services can deliver to you;
  • ✓  Data we collect automatically– when you browse our
    websites or use our services, we track implicit information such as the date and time, where you access them from (your IP
    address) and the type device you are using. We use this data to understand the information and functionality our current and
    prospective users are looking for, to provide the best service to them. Some of this information is collected using cookies and
    similar tracking technologies;
  • ✓  Data provided by trusted third parties – we may from time to
    time collect data from publicly available third-party sources, or through our trusted sales and marketing partners. We use this
    data to provide tailored communication with you regarding our services.

How do we use cookies?

enableHR uses cookies and other tracking mechanisms to provide:


  • ✓  Continuity in your access to our services – across multiple
    requests or over a period of time. The information we store in these cookies identifies you anonymously to our services in
    order to correlate a particular user session and to provide you with the relevant service experience;

  • Service usage – to collect and track which areas of our service our users are making use of, and to provide our
    product teams with the metrics of that use to make informed product design decisions;
  • ✓  Website tracking – to anonymously collect and track which
    areas of our website see the most traffic and to improve the quality of content we provide to our prospective customers.

If you wish to opt out of our tracking of our service usage and website tracking, you can do so
by limiting advertiser tracking in your browser.


How do we use your data?

We primarily use personal data to deliver our services to you and your staff. We also use this
data to:


  • ✓  Support you – – through your use of our HRIS software and
    through our technical support channels;
  • ✓  Communicate with you – to inform you of: significant
    product or service changes; related services such as training or education sessions; operational updates; seeking your input
    on the review and feedback of our services;
  • ✓  Market to you – to inform you of our own service offerings or
    of those of select services we choose to partner with;
  • ✓  Anonymously report on your behaviour – to generate
    aggregated and anonymous reports of user behaviour across our websites and services, to improve our service and website

We undertake to only communicate with the users of our services where their access to our
services puts them in a position of that communication being meaningful. Users also have the option to opt out or unsubscribe
from these types of services.


How do we share your data?

We will only disclose your personal data with third parties:


  • ✓  within the Citation Group of companies;
  • ✓   to trusted third parties where that sharing is required to deliver
    ongoing and reliable services to our users, or to provide relevant marketing material to those users;
  • ✓  to regulators, law enforcement bodies, government agencies,
    courts or other third parties where it is necessary for our compliance with the applicable laws or legislation. Where possible,
    we will notify you that this has occurred;.
  • ✓  to other parties where we have your explicit consent including our
    business partners.

When we share your data to third parties, we will undertake a review of the laws, policies and
procedures in place with those parties prior to sharing your data to ensure your data is protected by that provider as we would
protect it ourselves.


A list of third-parties to which data may be shared is included in


“Appendix 2 – Third Party Service Providers”.


How do we retain your data?

The length of time we keep your personal data depends on what it is and whether we have an
ongoing business need to retain it to provide you with a service you’ve requested or to comply with applicable legal or record
keeping requirements.


We retain your personal data while we have a relationship with you and for a period of time
afterwards where we have an ongoing business need to retain it, in accordance with our data retention policies and practices.
Following that period, we’ll make sure it’s deleted or anonymised.


What are our commitments?

enableHR is committed to meeting the standards for privacy protection as outlined in the:


  • ✓  (Australian) Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy
    Principals (APP);
  • ✓  (New Zealand) Privacy Act 2020 and the Information Privacy
    Principles (IPP);
  • ✓  European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

APP specific information

enableHR is committed to ensuring its compliance with the Australian Privacy Principals and
New Zealand Information Privacy principles as it relates to both data provided directly to enableHR by users and businesses in
order to deliver our services, as well to the data we process on behalf of those businesses relating to their workers. This
commitment includes meeting our obligations under the Notifiable Data Breach scheme in Australia and mandatory data breach
reporting provisions in New Zealand.


Both enableHR and the organisation for which enableHR is providing services are acting as
Entities within the APP and IPP frameworks, and as such have obligations relating to that role.


While enableHR will maintain its obligations under the Privacy Act Cth,1988 and APP as well as
the NZ Privacy Act 2020 and IPP, clients must ensure their compliance relating to data processed by enableHR, including:


  • ✓  Valid use – information captured and stored within enableHR
    should be done so for purposes valid to the engagement of that individual;
  • ✓  Worker access – workers (employees, candidates,
    volunteers, etc) wishing to access information relating to their engagement should contact the relevant personnel within
    their organisation who can provide the relevant (potentially limited) information to the worker;
  • ✓  Correction – workers should be able to validate and correct
    information stored about them within enableHR (whether that correction occurs through enableHR or some other channel).

APP and IPP specific information

enableHR is committed to ensuring its compliance with the APP and IPP as it relates to both
data provided directly to enableHR by users and businesses in order to deliver our services, as well to the data we process on
behalf of those businesses relating to their workers. This commitment includes following the guidelines set out in the Privacy
Commissioners guidelines for data breaches.


Both enableHR and the organisation for which enableHR is providing services are acting as
Agencies within the APP and IPP framework, and as such have obligations relating to that role.


While enableHR will maintain its obligations under Privacy legislation, clients must ensure their
compliance relating to data processed by enableHR, including::


  • ✓  Valid use – – information captured and stored within
    enableHR should be done so for purposes valid to the engagement of that individual;
  • ✓  Staff access – staff (workers, employees, candidates,
    volunteers, etc) wishing to access information relating to their engagement should contact the relevant personnel within their
    organisation who can provide the relevant (potentially limited) information to the staff member;
  • ✓  Correction –– staff should be able to validate and correct
    information stored about them within enableHR (whether that correction occurs through enableHR or some other channel).

GDPR specific information

Under the GDPR, an organisation which processes personal data (the “processor”) on behalf of
another organisation (“the controller”) require a written agreement between the two specifying certain minimum provisions.


In using enableHR, we are the controller of certain information that we receive directly from our
users (business details, usernames and passwords). Our customers are controllers (and enableHR is a processor) of the personal
data that those users enter into the system on behalf of or relating to your workers (employees, volunteers, candidates, etc). As
controllers, responsibility for the correct and appropriate collection and use of information processed by enableHR is the
responsibility of the customer managing that data.


enableHR will to the extent we are able assist the controller in ensuring compliance with their
obligations under the GDPR by providing the relevant information to the controller upon reasonable request. This includes
providing access to relevant data not readily available to the controller through enableHR’s services, or providing information
relating to enableHR’s architecture and security mechanisms.


What are your rights to the data we collect?

If you believe that an enableHR user or business has provided your personal information to us
via our websites or services, you should contact that user or business for any questions you may have around their entry, use
and retention of that data.


While enableHR may act as the custodian of your information as an employee, candidate,
volunteer, or other relationship with a business, that particular business is responsible for providing you access with the relevant
information from our systems, and for ensuring the accuracy of that information.


You are able to opt-out of our electronic marketing communications by following the instructions
included in each of those communications to unsubscribe.


How do I find out more?

If you have any questions or concerns on any of this information, please send an email to privacyofficer@citationgroup.co.nz and we’ll work with you to resolve your query.


Appendix 1 – Security Mechanisms & Policies

  • ✓  Physical Access Control – our hosting providers provide
    strong physical security to the data centres where your data is stored. This security includes authentication checks and audits
    and limited control to physical infrastructure;
  • ✓  Logical Access Control – access to all of enableHR’s
    underlying systems is via a Virtual Private Network (VPN), authenticated by Dual Factor Authentication comprising One Time
    Passwords and Public Key Authentication;
  • ✓  Data Access Control –limited users within enableHR have
    access to the underlying systems where your data is stored. Levels of access are granted based on the job requirement of
    those users, and those access levels are reviewed periodically. Users of enableHR’s services (including our own
    administrators) have their access controlled based on their permission level;
  • ✓  Logical Separation – all enableHR infrastructure is deployed
    and partitioned to maintain the privacy and security of your data at different levels of application. This includes inter-segment
    firewalls separating our database, application and web-server tiers, host level firewalls permitting authorised traffic between
    hosts, and the separation of our non-production environments (which are managed by the same controls to ensure the
    security personal data in those environments);
  • ✓  Managed Data Security – all data remains within data
    centres hosted within Australia. Data is encrypted at rest, and is available to enableHR’s operational teams who require
    access to the data at that level.
  • ✓  Data Access Control – limited users within enableHR have
    access to the underlying systems where your data is stored. Levels of access are granted based on the job requirement of
    those users, and those access levels are reviewed periodically. Users of enableHR’s services (including our own
    administrators) have their access controlled based on their permission level;
  • ✓  Data Transfer Security – all data ingress or egress is done
    via secure channels. All HTTP traffic is over TLS (HTTPS), all file transfers via Secure File Transfer (SFTP) and all SMTP email
    over TLS (SMTPS) where the relaying server allows;
  • ✓  User Auditing – all user interactions within our systems are
    audited through multiple mechanisms, including log files auditing individual user request, parameters & payloads to our
    applications; access audits within our systems tracking which user accessed given information at a specific point in time, and
    which user changed information (including the specific information which was changed);
  • ✓  Operational Control – enableHR has standard processes and
    policies which ensure the confidentiality of your information is maintained through all of our own staff and third-party
    providers, and that such providers have the required controls in place to maintain their commitment to those policies;
  • ✓  Operational Continuity – enableHR has a documented
    disaster recovery plan which ensures continuity of service in the unlikely event that our production data centre and provider is
    completely offline and unavailable.

Appendix 2 – Third Party Service Providers

  • ✓  Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform – Primary and disaster
    recovery data hosting;
  • ✓  Chargify, eWay – Payment processing;
  • ✓  New Relic, Sentry – Application performance monitoring;
  • ✓  Zendesk – Client Experience support & ticketing;
  • ✓  Fonebox – Customer service phone
  • ✓  Pardot – Email service providers;
  • ✓  Salesforce – Customer Relationship Management;
  • ✓  Office 365 – Email;
  • ✓  Google – Analytics.